
NN8640-4263 A Trial comparing the effect and safety of once weekly dosing of Somapacitan with daily Norditropin in children with Growth Hormone deficiency

Pediatrics Endocrinology Pituitary Disorders Pediatric Subjects

The study compares 2 medicines for children who do not have enough hormone to grow: somapacitan given once a week (a new medicine) and Norditropin® given once a day (the medicine doctors can already prescribe). Researchers will test to see how well somapacitan works. The study will also test if somapacitan is safe. Participants will either get somapacitan or Norditropin® - which treatment participants get, is decided by chance. Both participants and the study doctor will know which treatment participants get. The study will last for 4 years. Participants will attend 19 clinic visits and have 1 phone call with the study doctor.

TN18 Abatacept Prevention (Type 1 Diabetes)

Pediatrics Immunology Endocrinology Nephrology Gastroenterology Autoimmune Diabetes Kidney Disease Digestive Disease Pediatric Subjects Adult Subjects

The study is a 2-arm, multicenter, 1:1 randomized, placebo controlled clinical trial. All subjects will receive close monitoring for development of AGT or T1DM. Subjects will receive Abatacept or placebo and close monitoring for development of AGT or T1DM. To assess the safety, efficacy, and mode of action of Abatacept to prevent AGT and T1DM. The primary objective is to determine whether intervention with Abatacept will prevent or delay the development of AGT in at-risk autoantibody positive non-diabetic relatives of patients with T1DM. Secondary outcomes include: the effect of Abatacept on the incidence of T1DM; analyses of C-peptide and other measures from the OGTT; safety and tolerability; and mechanistic outcomes.